Credential Application Process
Download the 8 steps for credentialing visual map here
Ministerial Credentialing is an ever important issue. As a credentialed Assemblies of God minister, you join the ranks of men and women who for decades have proclaimed and lived the principles set forth in the Scriptures. We encourage you to pursue your credential diligently. If we can be of assistance to you in this regard, please feel free to contact us directly. We want to help you in fulfilling God’s call on your life.
Please note: Should your credential be approved to advance to either certified, licensed, or ordained, you will be expected to personally attend Network Council for the formal commissioning service.
Please click on the appropriate link below to begin the process for New/Upgrade Credentials, Reinstatement, to request a Transfer to another District or to learn more about renewing your credential.
NEW OR UPGRADE: I am interested in applying for a credential or upgrading to the next level.
If you are applying for NEW or UPGRADED credentials, please download & print the PDF version of our Credential Information Booklet (link below). This booklet contains important information about the credentialing process, guidelines and educational requirements for becoming credentialed.
To request a Credential Application Packet, please click on the “Pre-Credential Questionnaire" link below. This will direct you to a form to be filled out. Once we receive the form we will be in contact with you.
If you have any questions regarding the application process, please feel free to contact the Secretary-Treasurer’s office directly at (719) 522-0195.
Please click to download:
Credential Information Booklet
2024-2025 Credential Information Poster
Please click on the link below to begin the application process.
Applying for Credentials based on LIFE EXPERIENCE:
You can apply (or upgrade) for credentials based on Life Experience if you are at least 30 years or older, and have had at least 10 years ministerial experience.
The Life Experience Assessment must be filled out first. If you meet the minimum score for the level you are applying for, then please contact the RMMN Secretary office to do a Life Experience Questionnaire. If you qualify for Life Experience a Life Experience Equivalence form will be required along with the application and other documents. You will also be required to take the AG History, Missions & Governance and Spirit Empowered Church classes. These are available through Pathway or Trinity Online.
REINSTATEMENT: My credential lapsed or terminated, and I want to be reinstated.
Credentials Reinstatement Request
Please fill out the form below to request a Reinstatement Application. Once we receive your request, we will be in touch with you. Please note that a fee of $150 is required to cover the cost of a Background/Credit check and reinstatement fees with the Network and General Council. You may also have to pay back dues/tithes to the Network and General Council for the year you lapsed.
If the applicant has been terminated or lapsed for seven (7) years or more, he/she shall be required to take the examination for the credential being reinstated. If the applicant is living in another district, the Network Superintendent or Secretary/Treasurer must provide a letter of clearance and good standing for the applicant to be reinstated in another district.
TRANSFER: I want to transfer my credential in or out from another District/Network.
Credentials Transfer Request
RENEWAL: I want to complete the annual renewal of my credential.
Annual Credential Renewal
If you are an Active or Disabled Minister, you are annually required to renew your credentials through the Assemblies of God. October of every year you will start receiving communication from the Assemblies of God to renew your credentials. This MUST be done by December 31st. Below you will find a few simple steps to get you started on your renewal.
If you are Senior-Retired Status, the RMMN office of the secretariat will renew your credentials for you. This is a service we are happy to offer you in your retirement. All Senior-Retired ministers will be renewed between December 20th – 25th.
Renewing your ministerial credentials. is easy as 1, 2, 3!
1. Log onto
2. Complete the renewal and submit. (Any changes to this form will be submitted to the Network Office, please fill out completely in order for us to keep pour records up to date.)
3. Renewal will be reviewed by the Secretary/Treasurer and then the final approval will come from the General Council of the Assemblies of God. Once approved you will receive you new fellowship card and letter stating that you have renewed.
**If there are any concerns/issues with the renewal you will be contacted by the Secretary/Treasurer.
COACHING: I want resources to help me prepare for the interview and exam for the certified, licensed, or ordained level.
Below you will find resources per credential level on how to study for the exams and what to expect in the interviews.
Certified Level
You will be required to take two exams (Bible Knowledge and Doctrine). All exam(s) are taken online, and you will be responsible for obtaining a proctor for your exam(s). The proctor must be an Assemblies of God minister who currently has the same credential you are seeking or higher. When the exams are completed and passed with a grade of 70 percent or higher, a date and time and will be set up through your presbyter for you to be interviewed by the sectional committee.
We have collaborated with credential specialists around the Nation to make the following resources available to help prepare you for the certified exam and interview. They vary in approach to help you find the one that suites your unique style of learning.
- Podcast: Listen to the exam and interview coaching points for the certified level at this link:
- Q & A: Examples of potential interview questions for the certified level can be accessed at this link:
- PDF: General Council official study guides:
- Interactive: Pathway offers a free online interactive and guided study with other helpful resources for those who register at:
- E-book: Dr. Tim Laurito’s free e-book entitled, Glossolalia, Speaking in Tongues and Initial Physical Evidence, will help you prepare for your credentialing exam and interview. You can access this resource at:
- Article: To help you prepare for your credential interview, Pastor Rob Rocca breaks it down and explains the relationship between the baptism in the Holy Spirit, initial physical evidence, and the local church. You can access this resource at: http:/
License Level
If you are already certified, you will be required to take one exam (Polity). If you are not certified and going straight to licensed, you will be required to take all three (3) exams (Bible Knowledge, Doctrine, and Polity). All exams are taken online, and you will be responsible for obtaining a proctor for any exams. The proctor must be an Assemblies of God minister who currently has the same credential you are seeking or higher. When the exams are completed and passed with a grade of 70 percent or higher, a date and time will be set up through your presbyter for you to be interviewed by the sectional committee.
We have collaborated with credential specialists around the Nation to make the following resources available to help prepare you for the licensed exam and interview. They vary in approach to help you find one that suites your unique style of learning.
- Podcast: Listen to the exam and interview coaching podcast for the licensing level at this link:
- Q&A: Examples of potential interview questions for the licensed level can be accessed at this link:
- PDF: General Council official study guide:
- Interactive: Pathway offers a free online interactive and guided study with other helpful resources for those that register at:
- E-book: Dr. Tim Laurito’s free e-book entitled, Glossolalia, Speaking in Tongues and Initial Physical Evidence, will help you prepare for your credentialing exam and interview. You can access this resource at:
- Article: To help you prepare for your credential interview, Pastor Rob Rocca breaks it down and explains the relationship between the baptism in the Holy Spirit, initial physical evidence, and the local church. You can access this resource at:
Ordained Level
No exam is required for the ordination level unless you are transferring an ordination from another organization. An interview will be set up in January of the same year you will be ordained at Network Council. Your ordination interview will be done with the Executive Presbytery.
We have collaborated with credential specialists around the Nation to make the following resources available to help prepare you for the ordination interview. They vary in approach to help you find one that suites your unique style of learning.
- Podcast: Listen to the interview coaching podcast for the ordination level at this link:
- Q&A: Examples of potential interview questions for the interview level can be accessed at this link:
- E-book: Dr. Tim Laurito’s free e-book entitled, Glossolalia, Speaking in Tongues and Initial Physical Evidence, will help you prepare for your credentialing exam and interview. You can access this resource at:
- Article: To help you prepare for your credential interview, Pastor Rob Rocca breaks it down and explains the relationship between the baptism in the Holy Spirit, initial physical evidence, and the local church. You can access this resource at: