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  • Crabtree School of Ministry

The Charles T. Crabtree School of Pastoral Ministry was created to prepare the next generation of lead pastors for excellence in ministry.  District Superintendent Gene Roncone and Charles Crabtree teamed up to share wisdom that has been passed down through five generations of ministers in their family. This mentorship first existed as a notebook Crabtree wrote to help those in his family prepare for their first lead pastorate. Now it has been redesigned as a 16-week leadership cohort to prepare qualified associates for the modern demands of serving as a lead pastor.

Before his passing away in August of 2020, he and Gene Roncone collaborated to design the structure for this mentoring experience. Now his legacy lives on as Rocky Mountain Ministry Network Superintendent Gene Roncone and Church Ministries Director, Shawn Reine team up with outstanding guest advisors to provide an unprecedented mentoring experience based on the wisdom of five generations of ministers. You will learn…

  • How to develop a life-giving devotional life
  • How to know if you’re ready for a lead pastorate
  • The cost of leadership
  • Isolation in Ministry: The Cause, Consequences, and Cure for a Ministry Epidemic.
  • How to explore God’s will and interview with a search committee
  • How to navigate your first days as a new lead pastor
  • Principles and dynamics of church administration
  • Budgets and being strategic about financing vision. 
  • How to lead board meetings
  • How to prepare, plan and chair an annual business meeting
  • How to do water baptisms, communion, and baby dedications
  • How to master weddings, premarital counseling, and funerals
  • Ministerial ethics, etiquette and courtesy
    Pastoral counseling, care, and hospital visitation
  • How to pastor expressions of the spiritual gifts
  • Execution, how to move things forward and get things done
  • Spirit-filled preaching, its substance and obstacles


The cohort will consist of weekly group Zoom meetings with Superintendent Gene Roncone and other members of the cohort, individual assignments, discussion huddles with your lead pastor and potential preaching assignments throughout the Rocky Mountain Ministry Network.  Only 16 individuals will be selected for each cohort based upon an application, pastoral referral and signed commitment to engagement. Those who complete the cohort will be presented with a certificate of completion at the Rocky Mountain Ministry Network’s annual District Council and listed on the Network website as past graduates and leaders with a commitment to ministry excellence.

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about the CTC School of Pastoral Ministry.  Just click the question below and the corresponding answer window will open.

1. Who are the mentors leading the CTCSPM cohort?

Dr. Charles T. Crabtree has had a long and varied career in the Assemblies of God. He pastored two great churches, Des Moines First Assembly and Bethel Church in San Jose, California for over a period of twenty-five years. In addition, he served as Assistant General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God for 14 years and then the president of Northpoint Bible College. Before his passing away in August of 2020, he and Gene collaborated together to design the structure for this mentoring experience. You can experience the anointed preaching ministry of Charles Crabtree and listen to his epic ordination sermon entitled, “A Man of God In This City” by clicking here.


Gene Roncone is the District Superintendent of the Rocky Mountain Ministry Network and son-in-law of Charles Crabtree who came to Christ from a life of drugs and alcohol at the age of 15. Charles Crabtree started mentoring Gene when he was 18 years old. That mentorship continued through Gene’s life. Gene presently serves as the District Superintendent for the nearly 170 churches, 600 ministers and over 44,000 constituents in Colorado and Utah. Prior to district service Gene has served as a lead pastor for three churches since the age of 23. He is the author of Explore the Call, a book and podcast designed to help people discern the call of God upon their life. Gene is also the author of The Bowstrings of Spirit-filled Preaching, Shepherds of God, Beginning the Journey, and Defying Gravity. Gene credits his current ministry with the mentoring and preparation he received from Charles Crabtree and the family’s minister’s manual.

Juanita Blevins is the Campus Pastor of Praise Church in Walsenburg Colorado. Juanita is living out an incredible journey discovering the path of ministry that God has laid before her building on the foundation of hands-on ministry of the last 40 years. Juanita has served at the local level as small groups pastor, celebrate recovery ministry leader, next steps director, event coordinator, church office admin, girls ministry coordinator, and nursery director. Juanita is motivated and energetic and thrives in connecting with people and moving together in forward motion. Juanita served the Network 15 years previously as girls ministry training director and southern section girls ministry representative. She is a graduate of the CTC Cohort class of 2022 and is one our Network’s outstanding female leaders.


Shawn Reine is the Director of Church Ministries for the Rocky Mountain Ministry Network. He has served in a variety of ministry roles, as well as in the business sector. With over 20 years of church ministry experience, Shawn has served as Student Pastor, Community Pastor, Church Planter and National Communicator. Shawn and his team currently give leadership to the training, networking and resourcing of the common ministries found within the local churches of our Network.



In addition to the core mentoring team, the CTC cohort partners with the following adjunct mentors.

Ramona Crabtree is the spouse of the late Charles Crabtree and contributor to the Crabtree School of Ministry. She and Charles were married for 61 years. In addition to faithfully serving with Charles on the evangelistic field, in two long-term pastorates, and while he was assistant general superintendent of the Assemblies of God and president of Northpoint Bible College, Ramona, a renowned pianist, and he made a perfect ministry team. Before his passing, Crabtree’s children and grandchildren enjoyed several days together with him where he prayed for each of them. Hours before his passing, Ramona played his favorite hymns on the piano and ushered him into the presence of the Lord.



Rick DuBose has a passion to develop emerging leaders. As the assistant general superintendent of the Assemblies of God, he is a member of the Executive Leadership Team and has a unique perspective on the pulse of ministry and ministers nationwide. He brings a valuable perspective to the cohort of the many facets of lead pastoral ministry and is one of the adjunct mentors for the preaching module of the cohort.



Mel Grams, ordained in 1951, has been a pastor both in the United States and Europe. Along with his wife, Verna, they have served in continuous ministry for over 70 years. They were missionaries in West and South Africa as well as in Europe. Mel was the academic dean for the International Correspondence Institute, Continental Bible College, and Genesis Discipleship Training Center. He also served as director of training for Eurasia Teen Challenge. The last ten years of Mel’s ministry have been devoted to teaching in churches and training schools in Europe, Africa, and the United States. Mel has written over 20 books and has a passion for spiritual formation. As an adjunct mentor, he assists in the module addressing the importance of a personal devotional life.


Josh Herndon, ordained since 2011, serves as a ministry consultant and vice president at Church Extension Plan. His core responsibility is working with churches and districts in the Southwest region of the Assemblies of God. Josh assists churches in facilitating loans, investments, visioneering, and problem solving. Before he was at CEP, Josh was a church planter, lead pastor, associate pastor, and barista. He has held several district positions and served in a national capacity. When not working, he is likely being a taxi driver with his wife to their five children. Josh is part of the mentoring team in leading the module in budgeting and finance.

Jared Pingleton is a third generation AG minister and a licensed clinical psychologist who is a recognized leader in the Christian mental health field. A former professor at Evangel University and AGTS, Jared has authored or co-authored 10 books and was the Consulting Editor of the “Care and Counsel Bible“. He also served for several years as Director of Counseling Services at Focus on the Family, as Vice President of the American Association of Christian Counselors and on the staff of two large churches. He leads the pastoral counseling model of the cohort and addresses five things every lead pastor needs to know about counseling. 



Gary Pilcher possesses vast and seasoned ministry experience. He has served for 12 years as the lead pastor of Berean Assembly of God, Des Moines, Iowa. He has also served in the Iowa Ministry Network in many capacities including General Council general presbyter, assistant superintendent, secretary, executive presbyter, and sectional presbyter. His experience both in local and executive roles has given him a deep understanding of the blessings and dangers surrounding ministerial ethics. He has a passion to mentor younger ministers and help them navigate the moral challenges of ministry. Gary serves on the mentoring team in facilitating the session on ministerial eth-ics and etiquette.



Nick Seders, along with his wife, Kelly, serves as lead pastor of Greeley First Assembly. Prior to joining RMMN, Nick and Kelly ministered in Spain for several years. In preparation for ministry, Nick completed a dual course of study in Biblical Studies and English Language and Literature at the University of Valley Forge. He is also a graduate of the Charles T. Crabtree School of Pastoral Ministry, Class of 2021. Nick serves as a guest mentor in various modules of the cohort.



Jeremy Stamback is the vice president of ministry consulting at Church Extension Plan where he has served since 2007. He has a passion to help pastors and churches achieve their goals through strategic financing and planning. He is also an ordained minister and adjunct mentor for the CTC cohort in the areas of finance, budgeting, and strategic planning.

2. What are the benefits of the CTCSPM mentoring cohort?

·         True value.  The cohort provides needed and meaningful mentoring to the younger ministers of our Network, as well as benefiting the local churches they are presently serving and those they may serve in the future.

·         Partnership.  The cohort allows the Network to partner with younger ministers and contribute to their future success.

·         Resourcing. The cohort provides our smaller churches with ready and prepared leadership options should they experience a pastoral vacancy. It can also help provide pulpit supply when needed.

·         Mentorship. The cohort addresses our younger ministers’ stated desire in our 2019 Network-wide survey for intentional and relational mentoring.

·         Prevention. The cohort can help mitigate some of the negative consequences associated with churches selecting inexperienced and unproven leaders. 

·         Leadership pipeline. The cohort will invest in and lengthen the leadership pipeline of the RMMN and assist our churches in finding qualified candidates during leadership transitions. 

·         Reinforce excellence. The public recognition of graduates will reinforce the concept of preparedness, mentoring and the value of being part of a Network that invests in its members.

·         Development. The cohort will empower ministers and help them to be more empathetic, seasoned and valuable team members while serving in associate roles.

·         Relational interaction. Limiting the cohort’s size to a small group will allow the cohort to become a close community.  It will also facilitate one-on-one mentoring, spontaneous interaction, individualized attention and participation.

·         Credentialing. The cohort fulfills the AG internship requirement for all three levels of credential (certified, licenced, and ordained). 

3. What have past graduates said about the cohort?

Testimonials from Past Graduates

“I’ve studied education, ministry training and seminary for many years. What Pastor Gene and his team have provided here with the Charles T Crabtree School of Ministry truly fills a need that Bible College and self-study programs are not able to meet. This training is the definition of what being “equipped for ministry” should look like.” Dr. Kyle J. Chalko, Class of 2024

“There was so much I didn’t know that I didn’t know. Each week my mind was blown away as I sat and learned a plethora of information. This mentorship experience can be found in no other arena. A sense of community and support was felt and truly created.” Tina Strang, Class of 2023

“I am more organized, equipped and prepared for my responsibilities in the church because of the CTC Cohort that prepares future lead pastors. Additionally, I gained a network of resources through Gene, Shawn, guest mentors, and the other members of the cohort. The relationships are priceless!” Kelly Huenink, Class of 2023

“I knew there was plenty for me to learn, but I did not realize just how much I would learn from the cohort. Each week I learned practical and relevant material that I had not learned anywhere else. I received wisdom I could use now as an associate and even more when God leads me into my own lead pastorate.” Scott James, Class of 2022.
As a female minister, finding a mentor to help me grow in the area of Pastoring has been a challenge. The CTC Pastoral Cohort has been invaluable in learning the many facets of leading a church. Things I would’ve never known I needed to know until I had to face them. These 15 weeks learning alongside other leaders, have challenged my perspective about the calling of Pastor. I’m a better person and leader because of this Cohort. Every Pastor NEEDS these foundational teachings. I’m convinced that the impact of the local church would grow exponentially with stronger and healthier pastors, that are equipped practically and empowered spiritually. Thank you, RMMN for this opportunity! Brenda Viator, Class of 2024
“I encourage associate pastors and even pastors that are in the first year of pastoring to join this cohort. You will not be disappointed. You will learn how to create an amazing resume, to properly prepare for funerals, weddings, baptisms and many other ministry needs. You will also meet many new friends and build new and valuable relationships.” Paul Speicher, Class of 2021
“Going into the cohort, I would have rated my preparedness for a lead pastorate at a 3 on a scale of 1-10. After completing the cohort, I would rate myself at an 8 or 9. This cohort helps you understand the role of a lead pastor and gives you a sense of confidence in how to lead a church well.” Johanna Bartsch, Class of 2022
“Being a part of the CTC Cohort was the single best time investment I made in my personal ministry development since I attended Bible College 20+ years ago! Pastor Gene is a treasure trove of wisdom and he brought along so many seasoned ministers to share with us throughout the cohort. The things I learned through this process have helped me so much in making the gigantic leap from Associate Pastor to Lead Pastor a few months ago. I’m a better leader and shepherd for having walked through this journey.” Amy Mitchell, Class of 2021
“The CTC cohort is a powerful and one of kind training on how to be a lead pastor. I have gained powerful resources and knowledge that will enable me to take my ministry to the next level.” Chris Simms, Class of 2022
“This cohort was of tremendous value to me. I learned so much that made me a better pastor and more in those months than in years prior!” Jeremy Jensen, Class of 2021
I came to CTC thinking “I know some of this, but I don’t know what I don’t know.” It turns out there is a lot I don’t know! The CTC was a download of life-giving information and access to mentors with years of ministry experience. For yourself, your church, and the kingdom I urge you to go through CTC. The tools you have will be sharpened, and you’ll be given a toolbox of power tools you didn’t know even existed! Paul Labig, Class of 2024
“I believe the CTC cohort was one of the most important things I have ever done. Every week I was on the edge of my seat learning more and more and MORE on how to lead and minister well. You will benefit from mentors who have years of wisdom and can help you avoid learning things the painful and difficult way.” Juanita Blevins, Class of 2022
“The CTC School of Ministry is one of the most practical & game-changing programs I’ve experienced. It doesn’t deal with just hypotheticals or philosophies of ministry. Instead, it deals with the real and raw side of ministry. The easy-to-digest textbooks, coupled with the weekly teachings, provide students with tools they can use now and in the future. I highly recommend this cohort to anyone looking to be in Ministry.” Daniel Burke, Class of 2024
“I am so glad the Network offers this cohort because participants will benefit from it in a big way! It was such an asset to be a part of this cohort during my first few months as a lead pastor.” Nick Seders, Class of 2021 
“The Charles T. Crabtree School of Pastoral Ministry is an invaluable opportunity for practical mentorship to prepare a person for a lead pastorate. It takes you beyond sermon prep to the many other duties you must master to lead a thriving church. The cohort is time well-spent for any minister who is ready for the next level.” Chris Griffin, Class of 2022
This cohort doesn’t just show you how to lead a church, it makes you how to think like a lead pastor. – Dustin Williams. Class of 2024
“I learned so much and this cohort set me up for success! I have a large notebook full of notes and examples that Gene shared! I also got to build relationships with other pastors that I may have never gotten the opportunity to have known otherwise. I encourage everyone to invest in yourself.  Trust me, you will not regret it.”  Lou Ann June, Class of 2021
“I would recommend the CTC cohort to everyone who is looking to further their career in ministry. I have learned so much and feel better prepared to lead a church, prepare for board meetings, perform a wedding, and chair an annual business meeting.” Michelle Jensen, Class of 2022
“I have been in some kind of ministry since 2004 and what I have learned through this course has not just developed me as a leader, but better than that, it’s to be a greater servant. The cohort broke into pieces (much like the loaves and fishes that Jesus fed the crowd with) and gave us all a supernatural understanding of ministry that I have not gained through bible college, courses, or experience. Just phenomenal!” Grant Robertson, Class of 2024
“The CTC cohort was a huge benefit to me and my ministry. Every session was encouraging, relevant, practical, and substantive! Thanks for making this available… highest recommendation! Jess Clark, Class of 2021
“The CTC School of Ministry is an incredible opportunity for any minister and pastor. You will receive priceless practical resources, be trained in excellence for ministry, and be challenged to learn and grow. After this cohort I now feel more confident to lead a board meeting and work with church finances, just to name a few.” Jared Buchta, Class of 2022
“After 17 years as a Chi Alpha missionary, I didn’t know what I didn’t know about pastoring. The CTC Cohort provided an opportunity for me to develop my leadership skills in many areas that I had never received training in. Pastor Gene has developed an incredible curriculum that includes practical assignments, incredible readings, and honest discussions between cohort members that have stretched and challenged me in ways I’ve never been challenged before.  Duncan Chance, Class of 2024

“I loved this cohort and looked forward to every meeting. I learned so much practical knowledge about the day-to-day, non preaching requirements of a lead pastor. I also learned how to do a budget, how to chair board meetings, and how to address problems when they are still small.” Bill Beagley, Class of 2021

“The CTC cohort is something you do not want to miss as a personal investment. The wealth of practical knowledge you learn from Gene Roncone, Shawn Reine and others is invaluable. You have nothing to lose by participating in this program and so much to gain. This cohort has helped me grow personally and in my ministry context.  I was blessed to form friendships with others whom I may have never come in contact with otherwise.” Michael Mele, Class of 2021
“The Charles Crabtree School of Pastoral Ministry exceeded all my expectations, profoundly impacting both my personal growth and ministry growth and effectiveness. I wholeheartedly recommend the Charles Crabtree School to anyone seeking to take their ministry and calling to new heights. It’s a difference-maker you won’t want to miss out on.” Heather Williams, Class of 2024

“The CTC cohort was such an amazing opportunity. Having been a part of it was not only a privilege but having access to people who understood what they were teaching from real life personal experiences was invaluable.” Manuel Melendez, Class of 2021

“This cohort was very encouraging to me. Being a pastor for three years, I had learned a few things that this course really helped to reinforce, and at the same time, gave me a new perspective. There were also plenty of things I didn’t know that caused me to make immediate changes that will most likely keep me from unnecessary heartache later on. As anyone in ministry will tell you, this life brings challenges that will test you. So, if your desire is to equip yourself to succeed, this is a valuable resource to consider.” Todd Bellamy, Class of 2021
“I can only echo what others have already said. The CTC cohort was amazing to participate in. The experience was invaluable: although it’s focused on the practices of leading a church, this program will be an asset to anyone in a pastoral position, whether or not they are looking to transition to a lead pastor position.” Jeremiah Holthus, Class of 2021
“CTC Cohort reminded me of the value of mentorship and to always strive for excellence in all we do. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to join!” Tim Cruz, Class of 2024
“This cohort is the incarnation of Proverbs 24:3-4. “Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge its rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches” Greta Vince, Class of 2024

4. What topics will be addressed in the CTCSPM cohort sessions?

·         1: Orientation (introductions, requirements, advantages and potential disadvantages)

·         2: Developing a Life-Giving Devotional Life

·         3: How to Know if You’re Ready for a Lead Pastorate

·         4: Exploring God’s Will (resumes, interviews and exploring opportunities)

·         5: Navigating your First Days

·         6: Principles & Dynamics of Church Administration (budget and finance)

·         7: The Cost of Leadership

·         8: Leading Church Board and Annual Business Meetings

·         9: Ordinances and Ceremonies (water baptism, communion, and baby dedications)

·         10: Weddings & Funerals (premarital counseling, memorials and graveside services)

·         11: The Role of a Minister’s Spouse

·         12: Ministerial Ethics and Etiquette

·         13: Pastoral Care (hospital visitation and pastoral counseling)

·         14: Pastoring the Expression of Spiritual Gifts

·         15: Execution: How to Keep Things Moving and Get Things Done

·         16: Spirit-filled Preaching: Its Substance and Obstacles.

5. How do I order the CTC School of Ministry textbooks required for participation?

Although the CTC Cohort itself is free, the textbooks for each session must be purchased by participants two weeks before the cohort begins (December 15th).  There is one short paperback for each of the teaching modules presented in the cohort. Each textbook can be purchased for $8 each on Amazon. The current textbooks group consisting of both paperback and Kindle versions can be order by clicking this link

6. What will weekly meetings look like in the CTCSPM cohort?

In addition to weekly independent reading assignments, the cohort will have 16 weekly Zoom sessions that will be two hours in length. Each session will address a specific topic related to best lead pastor practices and designed with four objectives:

  • Practical application. To bring practical applications to the topics addressed in that week’s independent reading. 
  • Strategic mentoring. To provide an opportunity for the cohort’s mentoring team to give coaching and mentoring specifically related to the participant’s current development. 
  • Interactive learning. To facilitate an interactive, creative, and participative learning experience. 
  • Group discovery. To accelerate learning through a group and peer discovery process.

Each Zoom class will consist of a combination of creative learning models all centered around the following session topics.

1: Orientation (introductions, requirements, advantages and potential disadvantages)

2: Developing a Life-Giving Devotional Life

3: How to Know if You’re Ready for a Lead Pastorate

4: Exploring God’s Will (resumes, interviews and exploring opportunities)

5: Navigating your First Days

6: Principles & Dynamics of Church Administration (budget and finance)

7: The Cost of Leadership

8: Leading Church Board and Annual Business Meetings

9: Ordinances and Ceremonies (water baptism, communion, and baby dedications)

10: Weddings & Funerals (premarital counseling, memorials and graveside services)

11: The Role of a Minister’s Spouse

12: Ministerial Ethics and Etiquette

13: Pastoral Care (hospital visitation and pastoral counseling)

14: Pastoring the Expression of Spiritual Gifts

15: Execution: How to Keep Things Moving Forward and Get Things Done

16: Spirit-filled Preaching: Its Substance and Obstacles.

7. What are the minimum requirements for participation in the CTCSPM cohort?

·        Minimum certification. Participants will be required to have received a Ministry License with the Assemblies of God or have recently been elected/appointed to serve as a lead pastor in our Network. The cohort will except no more than two out-of-Network applicants. 

·        Application process.  Participants will be required to complete and turn in the cohort application, commitment to engagement and reference form from current lead pastor by the stated deadline.

·        Sustained participation.  Participants will be required to maintain an average of 80% participation in meetings through the duration of the cohort.

·        Current faithfulness.  Participants will be required to exhibit continued evidence of integrity, ministerial ethics and etiquette, as well as loyalty to their current lead pastor.

·        Teachability.  Participants will be required to possess humility, teachability and personal initiative.

·        Engagement.  Participants will be required to complete weekly assignments and to actively engage in group discussion.

·        Network Council.  Those who have successfully completed the cohort will be listed on our website and presented with a certificate of completion at our Network Council as those who have invested in ministry excellence.  Participants will be required to make a commitment before the cohort starts to attend that Network Council.

8. How will those who complete the CTCSPM cohort be recognized by the Network?

Those who meet the minimum requirements of the cohort will be recognized in the following ways.

·         Network Council.  Public recognition and presentation of a certificate of completion at Network Council as “those who have invested in ministry excellence.”

·         Network website. Names and pictures of past participants listed on the Network website as “those who have invested in ministry excellence.”

·         Certificate of completion. A framed certificate of completion.

·         Personal referral.  A paragraph explaining the cohort and a personal referral from the District Superintendent that can be placed on one’s resume.

9. Is there a cost or fee to participate in the CTCSPM cohort?

No, as long as you meet the minimal requirements for the cohort and purchase the textbooks by December 15th, there is not a fee for participation.  The only cost to you will be time, energy and textbooks.

Although the CTC Cohort itself is free, the textbooks for each session must be purchased by participants two weeks before the cohort begins (December 15th).  There is one short paperback for each of the teaching modules presented in the cohort. Each textbook can be purchased for $8 each on Amazon. The current textbooks group consisting of both paperback and Kindle versions can be order by clicking this link.

10. When is the next cohort scheduled and what are the application deadlines?

The next 16-week cohort is scheduled to start on Thursday January 9, 2025 at 10:00 AM via Zoom. The meeting schedule will be:

#1. Thursday, 1/9/25 at 10:00am via Zoom
#2. Thursday, 1/16/25 at 10:00am via Zoom
#3. Thursday, 1/23/25 at 10:00am via Zoom
#4. Thursday, 1/30/25 at 10:00am via Zoom
#5. Thursday, 2/6/25 at 10:00am via Zoom
#6. Thursday, 2/13/25 at 10:00am via Zoom
#7. Wednesday, 2/19/25 at 10:00am via Zoom (on Wednesday due to Sectional Tour)
#8. Wednesday, 2/26/25 at 10:00am via Zoom (on Wednesday due to Sectional Tour)
#9. Thursday, 3/6/25 at 10:00am via Zoom
#10. Thursday, 3/13/25 at 10:00am via Zoom
#11. Thursday, 3/20/25 at 10:00am via Zoom
#12. Thursday, 3/27/25 at 10:00am via Zoom
#13. Thursday, 4/3/25 at 10:00am via Zoom
#14. Thursday, 4/10/25 at 10:00am via Zoom
#15. Thursday, 4/17/25 at 10:00am via Zoom
#16. Thursday, 4/24/25 at 10:00am via Zoom

Your application and reference form from your current lead pastor must be turned in no later than December 1, 2024.

11. Who are past graduates of the cohort?

The Charles Crabtree School of Ministry has been honored to have 82 graduates since its inception in 2021.

1. Christian Albertson (2025)
2. Jessie Anderson (2024)
3. Clinton Ballew (2025)
4. Johanna Bartsch (2022)
5. Bill Beagley (2021)
6. Todd Bellamy (2021)
7. Juanita Blevins (2022)
8. Brandon Bordelon (2022)
9. Vini Bruno (2025)
10. Jared Buchta (2022)
11. Bradley Buck (2021)
12. Randy Burcham (2025)
13. Daniel Burke (2024)
14. Allan Calhoon (2024)
15. JP Cannon (2023)
16. Jacob Castro (2024)
17. Kyle Chalko (2024)
18. Duncan Chance (2024)
19. Jess Clark (2021)
20. Joseph Crain (2023)
21. Timothy Cruz (2024)
22. Patrick Daniels (2025)
23. Dan Deering (2024)
24. Jonathon Drackett (2021)
25. Tommy Dunn (2023)
26. Isaac Dunnick (2023)
27. Krystle Evans (2025)
28. Sandi Forslund (2025)
29. Louis Franco (2023)
30. Aaron Galyon (2023)
31. Carolyn Garrett (2023)
32. Rob George (2021)
33. Dan Gibson (2022)
34. Robbie Gonzalez (2023)
35. Amy Gosnell (2025)
36. Gina Graves (2022)
37. Christel Griffin (2022)
38. Robert Gurulé (2022)
39. Dustin Guthrie (2025)
40. Jeremiah Holthus (2021)
41. Kelly Huenink (2023)
42. Scott James (2022)
43. Jeremy Jensen (2021)
44. Michelle Jensen (2022)
45. Joshua Jimenez (2025)
46. LouAnn June (2021)
47. Ian Junkermann (2025)
48. Isaac King (2022)
49. Paul Labig (2024)
50. Aaron Lawrence (2023)
51. Danny Lucero (2025)
52. Steve Manzanares (2023)
53. Juan Martinez (2025)
54. Shane McClanahan (2025)
55. Michael Mele (2021)
56. Manny Melendez (2021)
57. Amy Mitchell (2021)
58. Maria Montesino (2022)
59. Tyler Peterson (2025)
60. Austin Poper (2024)
61. Rob Reyes (2023)
62. Alex Reznichenko (2025)
63. Shaun Riley (2025)
64. Grant Robertson (2024)
65. Nick Rogers (2022)
66. John Rotharmel (2025)
67. Kym Rotharmel (2025)
68. Sara Rutkowski (2022)
69. Nelson Sanaki (2021)
70. Nick Seders (2021)
71. Chris Simms (2022)
72. Paul Speicher (2021)
73. Tina Strang (2023)
74. Nicholas Sybrowsky (2025)
75. John Titus (2023)
76. Cody Van Pelt (2025)
77. Brenda Viator (2024)
78. Greta Vince (2024)
79. Forrest White (2025)
80. Dustin Williams (2024)
81. Heather Williams (2024)
82. Joseph Ybarra (2025)


12. How do I apply for the CTCSPM cohort?

All applications and referrals must be emailed to gene@rmdc.org and received no later than December 1, 2024.  Acceptance into the CTC Cohort is a four step process.

STEP 1: Educate yourself. Read this webpage in its entirety. 

STEP 2: Participant application. Click here to use the online application. 

STEP 3: Lead Pastor referral. Your current lead pastor must fill this out the online referral themselves for reasons of confidentiality. Click here to access the online reference.

STEP 4: Acceptance email. You will receive an email from Gene Roncone notifying you of whether you have been accepted into the cohort or not.

13. Charles Crabtree’s Legacy and Links

Click the accordion topics below to access more information about Charles T. Crabtree. 

Eulogy and Memorial Service

<<< Click here to watch Charles Crabtree’s Memorial Service >>>

<<< Click here to read a summary of Charles Crabtree’s ministry >>>

Charles T. Crabtree, former assistant general superintendent of the Assemblies of God, surrounded by his family in his home in Roseville, California, passed into eternity Sunday following an extended bout with cancer. He was 82 years old. 

Crabtree, a minister’s son, was known for his quick wit and powerful and anointed Pentecostal preaching. He and wife of 61 years, Ramona, who is a renowned pianist, made for a perfect ministry team. Before his passing, Crabtree’s children and grandchildren enjoyed several days together with him where he prayed for each of them. Hours before his passing, Ramona played his favorite hymns on the piano and ushered him into the presence of the Lord.

AG General Superintendent Doug Clay, who served as the national Youth director when Crabtree was assistant general superintendent, states: “Charles Crabtree distinguished himself as an anointed preacher and an outstanding leader. His life and sermons created a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come. The Assemblies of God is a stronger Fellowship because of Charles T. Crabtree.”

Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and raised in Bangor, Maine, Crabtree was a graduate of Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri, and was ordained by the Iowa District Council in 1962. He began his ministry as an associate pastor in Southern California and traveled as an itinerant evangelist from 1960 to 1963. In 1963, he was elected pastor of First Assembly, Des Moines, Iowa, and in 1974 became pastor of Bethel Church in San Jose, California. 

Crabtree was appointed the Assemblies of God national director of the Decade of Harvest in 1988, where he began his service at the AG national office in Springfield, Missouri. In 1993, he was elected as the assistant general superintendent of the Assemblies of God, a post he held with distinction for 14 years. Shortly after stepping down from AG leadership, he was named the president of Northpoint Bible College (formerly Zion Bible College) in Haverhill, Massachusetts, serving there until 2013.

Having traveled extensively throughout the United States and around the world in a wide variety of ministry engagements, Crabtree was a sought-after speaker with an engaging sense of humor. He also authored seven books covering subjects such as pastoral ministry, theology, church development, and discipleship. His latest book, a commentary on the Book of Jude, is titled Soul Care and will be released in the coming months.

Scott Hagan, president of North Central University in Minneapolis, served as youth pastor at Bethel Church for six years under Crabtree. Crabtree became his lifelong mentor and friend.

“He was a spiritual father to me,” Hagan says. “Not only did I begin my ministry life, but also my adult life under the guidance and mentorship of Pastor Crabtree. I took all of my ‘life cues’ from watching him.

“He was a statesman and a relentless student of God’s Word,” Hagan continues. “He challenged me as a young man and pastor to live a Holy life and to make the altar and the baptism of the Holy Spirit the centerpiece of my ministry. He taught me to love the lost in distant nations as well as to love the outcast across the street . . . He lived a life of unshakeable continuity. His death is sobering. We are truly ‘just passing through.’”

Thomas Trask, former general superintendent who served the same 14 years of executive leadership with Crabtree, had this to say about his friend: “Charles Crabtree is remembered as a prince of preachers, thoroughly Pentecostal, having a deep appreciation for his Pentecostal heritage. 

“It was my great joy to have had the privilege of serving alongside Brother Crabtree as he served as assistant general superintendent of the Assemblies of God. My wife, Shirley, and I have so many great memories of the times we shared travel with Ramona and Charles — preaching camp meetings, district councils, conferences, and so many other events. 

“Brother Crabtree was a communicator par excellent with a great sense of wit. He was a dear brother, greatly loved; and he will be missed,” Trask says. “Heaven is sweeter as a result of the entrance of Charles Crabtree. He will hear Jesus say, ‘Welcome! Thou good and faithful servant!’”

In a 2007 Pentecostal Evangel article, following Crabtree’s announcement to retire as assistant general superintendent, the question was asked, “How would you like your ministry to be remembered?” Crabtree responded: “I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted God’s will more than his own and who had absolutely no ego involved, but I did anything that God has seen fit to use me in.”

He is survived by his wife, Ramona; their three daughters: Renee Byerley of Nashville, Tennessee; Rachel (Bob) Silva of Roseville, California; and Rhonda (Gene) Roncone of Aurora, Colorado; 11 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren with three more on the way; and a sister, Charlotte Carlson of Redding, California. He was preceded in death by his brother, David Crabtree; sister, Hazel Hoskins; and a grandson, Geno Roncone, who passed https://pentecostalgold.com/born-to-win-reborn-by-love/away at age 23 in 2016 due to cancer. 

Charles Crabtree will be laid to rest at a private family ceremony this week. Due to COVID-19, the date and time of a public memorial service will be announced in the near future. 

Picture Gallery of Charles Crabtree

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