Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship

Gatherings of members and friends.
All are welcome unless noted otherwise.
2025 Frontier Family Camp
Frontier Family Camp is just an awesome fun time for all. Please make this a priority for your family as we’d love to see you there.
- Where: Camp Cedaredge, 19986 Colorado Hwy. 65, Cedaredge, Colorado 81413
- When: August 29, 2025 to September 1, 2025 (Labor Day Weekend)
Last edited 11-21-2024 (dab)

The Kit Carson Chapter welcomes all qualified Royal Ranger leaders and boys to join our local chapter.
Young Bucks (11-18):
- Be at least 11 years of age and a graduate of the 5th grade
- Have completed the Camping merit and First Aid Skills or First Aid/CPR merit
Old Timers (18+):
- Earn the Ready and Safety levels of the Outpost Leaders Achievement Levels (OLAL) training
- Be of good standing in the church, regularly practicing a Christian lifestyle
- Be an active member of a chartered Royal Ranger outpost and be recommended for membership by the outpost coordinator and pastor
- Complete and turn in the Frontiersman Application by May 15, 2024 to Paul Holden ( and Josh Chesebro (
- Download, print, and complete the Frontiersman workbook (available here) and bring it with you to Trace.
Last edited 2-27-2024 (dab)

Buckskin & Wilderness
Once an Old Timer or Young Buck has joined us in the great outdoors as a Frontiersman, they are encouraged to advance to Buckskin and then Wilderness. The basic requirements are shown below.
Young Bucks (11-18):
- Have completed the Knife and Hawk merit and one additional FCF related merit (listed on the application)
- Be recipient of the Adventure Rangers Adventure Bronze award or the Expedition Rangers E1 award
Old Timers (18+):
- Assist at least one boy in completing the membership requirements for FCF
- Be in good standing in the church, regularly practicing a Christ-like lifestyle
- Earn the Trained level of Outpost Leader Advancement Levels (OLAL) training
- Be an active FCF member in good standing in the chapter for at least 1 year
- Complete the Buckskin Challenge
- Be an active member of a currently chartered Royal Ranger outpost, and be recommended for Buckskin status by the Outpost Coordinator and Pastor
- Assist in conducting a Frontier Adventure
- Achieve Company Trapper level in the Trappers Brigade
- Complete and submit the Buckskin Application with membership fee by May 1, 2024 and send it to Josh Chesebro (
- Download, print, and complete the Buckskin workbook and bring it to the Buckskin Challenge for evaluation. This includes at least 2 meetings with your mentor and developing your trade, totem, staff, and outfit. Plan on starting this at least 4 months prior to Trace.
Young Bucks:
- Completed the Wilderness Survival and Black Powder Safety or Archery merits
- Be a recipient of the Adventure Rangers Adventure Silver award or the Expedition Rangers E2 award
Old Timers:
- Assist an additional boy in completing the membership requirements for FCF
- Be in good standing in the church, regularly practicing a Christ-like lifestyle
- Earn the Advanced Leader level of the Outpost Leader Advancement Levels (OLAL) training
- Be an active FCF member in good standing in the chapter for at least 2 years
- Complete a Wilderness Vigil
- Be an active member of a chartered Royal Ranger outpost and be recommended for Wilderness status by the Outpost Coordinator and Pastor
- Assist in conducting an additional Frontier Adventure
- Achieve Bourgeois Trapper Status in the Trappers Brigade
- Complete and submit the Wilderness Application no later than May 1, 2024 and submit to Jack Marshall (, 801-520-6449) and Josh Chesebro (
- Download, print, and complete the Wilderness workbook and bring it to the Wilderness Vigil for evaluation. This includes at least 3 meetings with your mentor, making a trade item for auction, refining your outfit, and preparing for the vigil.
You may now have a mentor who is not an FCF member. If you do, please provide them a copy of the Mentor’s Guide to help them understand and assist you in your journey.
Last edited 2-27-2024 (dab)

The Trappers Brigade
The Trappers Brigade is the service aspect of FCF that promotes the active and ongoing involvement of FCF members in service to their outpost, church, community, and world. Trappers Brigade is our method of capturing information on the service projects completed by our members and recognizing their efforts. There are three base levels of recognition: Company Trapper, Bourgeois Trapper, and Free Trapper (additional levels are recognized as a numeral added to Free Trapper). Each level requires an additional 5 hours minimum in the four categories of Outpost, Church, Community, and Missions plus another 20 hours for a total of 40 hours.
Important note on Advancement recognition: You must still complete and submit the Application For the service log, create a table with the appropriate entries that you logged and attach it to the application. Send the completed application to our Scribe (Josh Chesebro,
Last edited June 18, 2023 (dab)

Service Projects our chapter is supporting.
Come join in – it’s great serving, especially alongside fellow Christ followers!
2024 Navajo Missions Trip (Approximately September 2024)
Last edited 2-27-2024 (dab)

Chapter Scout
Chapter Scout – Tesher Holden
Last edited 6-28-2024 (dab)

So what are we all about?
The Purpose & Ideals of the Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship
From the FCF Handbook, 2014 edition
Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship advances the purpose of Royal Rangers by inspiring brotherhood among its members, promoting personal development through Royal Rangers advancement and training systems, and providing valuable service to Royal Rangers and beyond as we seek to “evangelize, equip, and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders."
Purpose of FCF
Inspire Brotherhood Among Our Members
Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship promotes the development of brotherhood and community within Royal Rangers by providing specialized activities that bring boys and men together around a common interest. FCF events are well-known for quality fellowship, great food, and lots of old-fashioned fun that builds the bonds of friendship among its members and provides a means of connecting boys and men in a lifelong family of brothers.
Promote Personal Development Through Advancement and Training
Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship membership includes prerequisites that require potential members to achieve a specified level of advancement and training in Royal Rangers. Additional step of advancement in FCF require continued progress in Royal Rangers. FCF members represent some of the best-trained and best-equipped members in Royal Rangers.
Provide Valuable Service to Royal Rangers and Beyond
Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship members provide service to the outposts, churches, communities, and world in a variety of ways. Service activities are tracked and recognized through the Trappers Brigade program (see chapter 6). Service is aloes provide by participation in approved PathFinder Missions projects (see chapter 7).
The ideals of FCF are further defined by the FCF Pledge, Motto, and Symbol.
FCF Pledge
“I share with you the warmth and glow of this campfire. These crimson flames are a symbol of our fellowship and adventures. I promise to share with you the warmth of Christian friendship and with others the light of my Christian testimony and service. I promise to keep alive the spirit of FCF in my personal life and to observe at all times the principles of Royal Rangers."
FCF Motto
“To Give and to Serve" (In Latin: Ad Dare Servire)
FCF Symbol
The blazing campfire is the official symbol of FCF. The campfire provided the early frontiersman with warmth and light, and was essential for cooking and other vital needs. The blazing campfire symbolizes the spirit of FCF, demonstrated through the warmth of Christian love, the light of personal witness, and the usefulness of dedicated service. The FCF symbol includes five logs which represent the five elements that are essential to keeping alive the spirit of FCF: courage, achievement, friendship, servant leadership, and woodsmanship.
Last edited Mar 9, 2019 (jer)

Info from ‘Mr President’
Organization – Who’s Doing What
It’s great to be part of group where everyone wants to help out. Our goal is to share the work so no one gets burned out and to grow the talents our members have been given. For 2024, here’s our current list who’s doing what:
• Chapter Chairman: Paco
• Chapter President: Quite Elk
• Chapter Scribe: Josh
Annual Report
Every year in September our Chapter submits an annual report to the National FCF office. This report provides information on what our chapter did throughout the year and there is a point-based rating system, 0 Stars to 5 Stars, with 5 Stars being the best. Our chapter did AWESOME in 2016-2017 and received a solid (590 of 600 pts possible) 5-Star rating. We also received a 5-star rating for 2017-2018 (even though our score wasn’t quite as high). Well done!
Territorial Recognition
Our chapter is part of the Mountainman Territory which includes Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California, and Hawaii. In March of 2019 at the annual Royal Rangers leadership conference (LEAD), our Territory was presented the Hawkeye Award for the best Territory in the nation!
Last edited 2-27-2024 (dab)