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Welcome to Royal Rangers!

The Royal Rangers program is an activity-based, small group church ministry for boys and young men in grades K-12.  Our mission is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders. We provide Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment.

The Royal Rangers program is a cross-generational ministry that interconnects well with children, youth and adult ministries and fits easily into the fabric of pastoral vision and into the flow of church ministries.  We affirm the male hands-on, interactive learning style by featuring an intentional discipleship journey for boys and young men based on their unique design, needs and interests. Every meeting, outing or service activity is designed to encourage boys and young men in their walk with God.

We provide men with the tools to model Christlike manhood as they mentor boys on a Bible-based, Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered journey to maturity in the faith. Boys learn to study and apply what the Bible says about integrity, doctrine, biblical worldview, cultural issues and manhood. In addition, the Royal Rangers ministry molds boys into servant leaders, teaching them vital social, equipping, attitude, leadership and service skills.


The Royal Rangers program at a local church is referred to as an “outpost” and may consist of one or more groups. Each group follows a program of activities based on the interests and abilities of boys in that group. The links below provide details on the advancement system used in each group:

Leadership Training

The Royal Rangers program provides leader training to mobilize, inspire, and resource leaders to achieve their greatest success and effectiveness.  Royal Rangers training is based on three core values:

  1. Spiritual Development.  All classroom and event-based leadership training will have a spiritual emphasis.
  2. Ranger Skills Development.  Training will focus on the seven methods Royal Rangers use to minister to boys. Ranger skills are a key component of this success.
  3. Leadership Development.  Leadership development will be key as Royal Rangers moves to become a boy led, adult facilitated ministry.

It takes a leader to mentor new leaders. Training will help Royal Rangers strengthen its leadership core.

Church leadership believes that well trained leaders are the key to any ministry’s success. Pastors understand that a trained volunteer is much more likely to commit their time and can be counted on to show up every week. For these reasons, and others, the Royal Rangers program places a high priority on leader training.

Adult Leadership Training

Ranger Foundations

Ranger Foundations is an on-line or combination on-line hands-on classroom experience that teaches new leaders the foundational principles of how to run successful outpost meetings, how to use and access the Royal Rangers curriculum and advancement system, program structure, uniforms and much more. For more information and details on accessing the on-line course please contact Richard Higginbotham (higginbr@yahoo.com)

Scheduled Training
No classes scheduled at this time.

Ranger Essentials

Ranger Essentials is a one-day fun, interactive-style training event. You will learn how to connect with today’s boys, along with recognizing ministry needs and outreach opportunities. You will discover how to give life-changing devotions and how to mentor boys and young men into spiritual leaders. This course is currently under revision.

Scheduled Training
No classes scheduled at this time.

Ranger Safety

The Ranger Safety training course addresses safety concerns common to church ministries. You will learn the reasons for an emphasis on safety and how to use the Proactive, Active, and Reactive (PAR) method to adders a variety of issues including: Transportation, Facilities, Care of children, Activities and Screening leaders. This training course is on-line only and will be released by the end of May 2021.

Junior Leadership Development Academy

To begin the Junior Leadership Development Academy series, a boy must be at least an Adventure Ranger.  The Junior Training Camp is the beginning of the series and is required.

Trail of the Saber

The Trail of the Saber is an award giving special recognition to boys who take full advantage of the junior leadership development opportunities available in their outpost and district. The award acknowledges the growth in servant leadership experienced in this process, starting in Discovery or Adventure Rangers and continuing through Expedition Rangers.


Click on the FCF Logo to go to the FCF page…

Visit the national Royal Rangers website for a host of resources.

CLICK HERE to be directed to the national website.


Goals of Rocky Mountain Royal Rangers

   To make Rocky Mountain Royal Rangers the premier, most sought after ministry for the next generation of men in Colorado and Utah – period!

   Royal Rangers will be affordable and practical so that every family and church in the Rocky Mountain Ministry Network can participate

   Rocky Mountain Royal Rangers will remain quick and responsive to learn and adapt to our changing society.

   Men in the churches of the Rocky Mountain Ministry Network will be eager to be trained to mentor young men in Christlike manhood; young men will be empowered to assume leadership of Royal Rangers, making it a boy-led adult facilitated ministry.

   Personal and spiritual growth will be fun, hands-on, and experiential; friendship will charge our ministry atmosphere.

   Rocky Mountain Royal Rangers will reach every boy and young man by creative methods; every Ranger will be eager to serve a God-given cause greater than self.

   Everyone will be proud to be associated with Rocky Mountain Royal Rangers.


Jack Marshall
(C) 801.520.6449

Deputy Director
Mike Laliberty

(C) 303.881.8664

Training Coordinator
Richard Higginbotham

Communications Coordinator
Rev. David Banister


Productions Coordinator
Dale Hansen
(C) 970.371.6376

FCF President
Paul Holden

Division Director – Northern
Brian Holder
(C) 970.567.3629

Division Director – Metro
Eric Hennigan
(C) 720.732.5396

Division Director – Southern
Richard Higginbotham

Division Director – Utah
Dayne Jacoby
(C) 801.928.4895

Division Director – Western Slope
David Banister
(C) 970.296.4291

Starting an Outpost

Contact the Rocky Mountain Royal Rangers District Director to get information and assistance in forming a Royal Ranger Outpost.

Jack Marshall


Royal Ranger Chartering 2024-25

The 2024-25 charter season begins August 15th and completes October 31st.

All charters expire on August 31 each year, but your benefits will continue through the charter season and expire on October 31.

Chartering can still be accomplished after the October 31st to received the 15% discount and other benefits.  New outposts may charter at anytime of the year, and fees for their first charter period will be prorated. All outposts that have not chartered within the last five years will be considered a new charter. Outposts that have chartered within the past five years and submit their charter and payment after October 31st will not be prorated.

If you have questions about chartering go to http://royalrangers.com, please review the chartering FAQ or our chartering brochure. You can also call Jack Marshall at 801-520-6449 (you can text this number if you so choose.)

Thanks for all you do to mentor future men!

It’s almost time to Charter your Outpost for the 2024-2025 season.  Click Here to visit the National Chartering Website Portal.

Ranger Kids

Grades K-2

Discovery Rangers

Grades 3-5

Adventure Rangers

Grades 6-8

Expedition Rangers

Grades 9-12


Adventure Camp

Camp Cedaredge, Colorado July 31 to August 3, 2025


Camp Cedaredge, Colorado July 28 to July 31, 2025

FCF Trace

Wood Cattle Co. Ranch Parshall, Colorado June 5-8, 2025

Outdoor Skills Action Camp

Northwest Colorado, BLM location June 19-22, 2025

Royal Ranger


Master’s Toolbox funds for 2025 will be used to support the Panama Project and the Camp Eagle Rock Project.

TRaCclub: The Rangers Curriculum Club

TRaCclub is an acronym for “The Rangers Curriculum club” representing an online resource delivery system that includes meeting plans and merit teaching materials for Royal Rangers leaders.  TRaCclub replaces our older documents (Leaders Guides, Merit References, and boy’s Workbooks) and enables Royal Rangers leaders to plan and conduct weekly meetings with the ultimate degree of flexibility while utilizing the most up-to-date materials at a minimal cost.

Click here to LOGIN or PURCHASE

Structure & Content

TRaCclub consists of five “tracks”–each one providing all the materials necessary to operate a specific age group of the program–Ranger Kids, Discovery Rangers, Adventure Rangers, and Expedition Rangers.  A track for leaders is also available and provides a variety of additional resources to equip and empower local leaders for success.  Each track is provided on an annual membership basis.  Individuals may purchase memberships to as many or as few tracks as they need.  Each GROUP track includes materials, such as:

  • Weekly meeting guides that provide a framework for the entire meeting (replaces the printed Leaders Guides)
  • Merit lesson plans (including skill, leadership, and Bible merits) or achievement award lessons specific to that group (replaces the printed Leaders Merit References)
  • Boy’s worksheets for all merits where worksheets are used (replaces the printed Workbooks for boys)

The LEADERS track includes a variety of supplemental materials for leaders.  A complimentary 2-year membership to the Leaders track is included with the purchase of the new Leaders Manual by simply entering the unique code found on the inside back cover.  This track includes material, such as:

  • Junior Leadership Foundations is the outpost-level junior leader training program
  • Devotions for weekly meeting or special events
  • Program ideas for Councils of Achievement
  • Program planning forms and information

NOTE:  The Royal Ranger’s Leaders Manual and all boys’ handbooks are not a part of TRaCclub.  They are only available in print format or as e-books.

Content Updates

TRaCclub includes a large amount of material including:

  • Bible lessons written specifically to enable leaders to facilitate the development of boys and young men into Christlike manhood
  • Leadership merits for Discovery, Adventure, and Expedition Rangers groups
  • New merits such as Bible Reading, Global Missions, Budget & Finance, and Citizenship
  • Revised merits featuring more hands-on learning and fewer worksheets with less writing


Access to TRaCclub is gained through the purchase of membership tracks.  Tracks may be purchased individually, or multiple tracks may be purchased at one time.  Additional tracks may be purchased and added to your membership at any time.  The following table provides the current pricing for each track.   Membership provides access to the purchased track for one full year.

Ranger Kids Track $18.99
Discovery Rangers Track $32.49
Adventure Rangers Track $32.49
Expedition Rangers Track $32.49
Leaders Track $18.99